The Metamerism studies the optical phenomena that explain why colors can appear different to our eyes when they are exposed to a changed type of illumination. I matched a mixture of specific pictorial pigments with light modulation and fade to lead perceptive alterations. In this way, colors and shapes can change during the observation process.
Painting experiences can be used to inspect the human energetic strains and reveal the whole spectrum of human emotions travelling across the moods that light can create in the dawn-sunset cycle, from the solar elements to those more nocturnal and dreamlike.
A light way, where white turns into black and black becomes bright.


Photosensitive colors on canvas, 201 x 121 cm cm

Forma Tao

Photosensitive colors on canvas, 201 x 121 cm


L’esploratore non si accorge dei folletti

Psiconauta 03 e Psiconauta 01

Photosensitive colors on strengthen paper, 35 x 50 cm

Pietra Filosofale

Photosensitive colors on strengthen paper, 35 x 50 cm


Photosensitive colors on canvas, 35 x 50 cm